I Think Speaking Could Be Pretty Cool
I'm in a speech class this semester. I've thought in the past about how cool it would be if I could pull a Siddhartha with writing. I could just become the best writer around. Of course I probably wouldn't ever be the best, but I could get pretty darn skilled at it. Now, I'm thinking about speeches. I've watch the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and seen who's a good speaker and who isn't. I've wondered to myself, why are some people terrible speakers? If I tried hard enough, I could do better. I think anyone who really wants to learn how to speak well can do it (with some obvious exceptions, course). I admit that it's more natural for some people, but no one is denied the ability. With that thought, I see that some people either don't know their ability or don't care enough to use it, which is fine. But anyway, I've thought about how cool it would be if I was the last speaker in class and I blew everyone away with a jaw-dropping speech. I mean, maybe it's impractical to think that in such a short period of time I could develop that skill, but why not? I have the capacity, right? I mean, if you like what I write, who says they won't like what I say? It seems logical to me. You're reading what I'm writing and they'll listen to what I say. It makes sense.