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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Kill Us All!
When life first appeared on the Earth, it didn’t just spontaneously pop up and take over. It came as if it were another phase in the Earth’s ever-changing life. The Earth, in fact, appears to be one big organism. As life has evolved over the years it’s always had a healthy effect on the Earth. Also, all life always worked together to survive. Individual species tried to survive at the expense of other life, but it all worked for a larger system, namely the ecosystem. In this ecosystem, each different species tried to survive on its own. It didn’t try to help the other species unless it saw a benefit. As everyone knows, there’s the food chain, the circle of life, and all those other ecological terms that describe how these seemingly independent animals actually depend on and are depended on by the other animals in the system. The lion is vital to keeping the ecosystem alive despite the fact that it seems to want to go around killing and eating without trying to help out. It has its role.
Everything seemed to work this way. Everything had its role and didn’t step outside of it. Everything worked to ensure the survival of life on Earth as a whole. Everything lived in harmony. However, all of the sudden something went totally wrong. Ecosystems were destroyed. It had happened before in ice ages and other natural disasters or natural phases in the Earth’s cycle, but this was different…and irreversible. A species of biped mammal went haywire. The whole harmonious system called Earth would be forever thrown off the tracks. Humans were born. They were the first ambitious animal. They realized that brainpower ultimately wins the game of survival, so what did they do? They used it. And used it some more. They stopped seeing survival as an instinct, but rather a game. And the game slowly evolved from “survive this hostile environment” to “control this hostile environment.”
What they didn’t see was that they would ultimately wreck the environment in the process. Ecosystems were destroyed. The Earth’s harmonious system was derailed. Humans continued to carry their original instinct to help other animals only for their own benefit, but it became an unhealthy thing because those animals got the bad end of the deal.
Now, usually when something unexpected happened, like an ice age, things continued to work and they recovered. Not this time. The current problem can’t be fixed except by the problem itself and there is only one solution. Humans are beyond the Earth’s control. In fact, the power role is reversing. Humans have more control now than the Earth does. They are almost invincible. The only ways to bring them down and let the Earth move on through its natural course are for something outside the human’s comprehension to destroy them, which the Earth cannot do, or for them to destroy themselves.
The problem with suicide is that it is nearly impossible without severely damaging the Earth itself. Also, Suicide would require a way to ensure that every last individual died. If the destruction was known by everyone, people would hide in safe havens. Countries would protect themselves. Some might leave the Earth with a plan to survive in a foreign environment, so the entire surface of the Earth would have to be blasted with nuclear weapons without anyone expecting it in order to get everyone. Now, the only way to do it without hurting the Earth would be to transport everyone outside the Earth’s atmosphere and destroy them there. That would be impossible without the complete cooperation of the entire human race. Even then, getting the resources would be impractical.
So, since we can’t save the Earth, we take a bigger perspective. The virus called the human race will continue to spread until it is stopped, so we still have to stop them even if it means destroying the Earth. Humans will continue to wreak havoc in first the solar system, next the galaxy, and in some latter age in the human’s existence, the universe, or more. It does sound impractical, but if you look back at sci-fi novels written in the forties and fifty’s, you’ll see that they predicted that there would be two billion people on the Earth in the nineties. Instead, there were six billion. No one expected such a population explosion. We will fill the Earth before we know it and we’re not going to try and stop it. Plus, we’re exhausting the Earth’s resources. That’s something that’s not going to cap and can’t be reversed. So, we’ll expand instead. Now, what’s wrong with this? We’ll repeat what we’re doing now wherever we go. We’ll exhaust resources. We’ll wreck everything we come across. The solution? Destroy the Earth. Pronto. Fast, before our invincibility is complete. Before we spread. Before we plant our feet. Do it now.

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