Yeah, I know. I've been slacking. However, I'm still Shmack and therefore still worth listening to. So listen up. There's three different types of people in this world. Of course, there's the group who're happy with who they are, but this post isn't for them. Anyway, there's the creative people who want to be good at math or computers, and the math wizzes that want to be artists or writers. These people are unhappy with themselves and wish for something better. Poor poor them. I mean, it's so unfair to be good at something you hate and be bad at something you love. Wrongo! The reason why some people seem like they aren't creative or good with logic is because they haven't used that side of the brain very much. That's what "stimulating the brain" means. It doesn't only happen with children.
IQ is defined as the ability to learn. A love and willingness to learn greatly increases the ability and therefore the IQ. All geniuses in history loved to learn. Furthermore, an IQ test cannot be totally accurate. Your clarity of thinking varies every day based on things like nutrition, sleep, and even natural biological cycles. Plus, someone who plain old hates to learn is going to receive a lower score. Last and best, someone who thinks they'll score low will score low.
So. If you let yourself, you can raise your IQ. So start learning and enjoy doing it.