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Friday, April 15, 2005
I'm Always Bright And Sunny Except When...
Everyone has their own unique...what do you call them...things that make them miserable. For example, mowing saps the life energy out of me. I'm not a moody guy. I'm not bragging. I'm just usually okay with life. I get frustrated here and there, but for the most part, even when I'm stressed or have a headache, I can smile. But when it comes to mowing, I go nuts. I live in the midwest where it's real humid in the spring and summer, so the heat and humidity almost kills me. Sweat pours down over my eyes and dirt and grime gets all over me and the loud noise and and and and and...I mean, I know many people who enjoy mowing. I don't know why, but it just gets under my skin and eats me from the inside out. The effect doesn't last all day, but the hour or two of misery is enough to make me avoid mowing at all costs. I even hate the sound of other people mowing their own lawns. The sound of a mower is like the sound of an alarm clock.
Now, this isn't just something I dislike. No one understands that but me. I even tell them that. Of course, they say I'm full of...stuff. I would probably say the same thing, but still, everyone has things they loath. Now, what's my point in this post? Well, I tried to relate it to something, some moral, but it didn't work. This post has no point. I mowed earlier today and I just wanted to share my misery with my devoted readers. Chances are that one of my many readers might feel understood. One person out there knows how they feel. Maybe that person is you.

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I Am Shmack
Call me Shmackshmael. Shmack for short. This is my blog. As you can probably guess, I am anonymous. No one knows my identity and no one ever will, though you may be familiar with my other blog, Shmack Reviews. If not, that is where I post my book reviews.
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