Writing's Tough!
I've been thinking about it a lot. My last post was on Creative Writing. I still hold to it, but I just want to reiterate how hard it is! Writer's block is mean! And even when you do think of something, it quite often ends up in the sock drawer. Here's a few old drafts for this blog that were either too dumb or unfinished. Some are cuts from past posts.
I Think I Am Happy (I was wrong)
I Think...Don't I? (wrong again)
Another Embarrassing Moment (too embarrassing)
And last but not least:
Urine Example (don't ask)
You say that's not a lot. Sure. But that's because most of the time I didn't even have an idea to toss. But despite (or rather because of) its inherent difficulty, writing's one of the few truly fulfilling things that anyone, big or small (in width or height), can do.
Oh, and for those of you who wish you could write like John Doe or Mr. Brown, you can't. Bunches of people imitate styles of famous writers like Hemingway and the like, but not one can live off what he gets for his publications. The ones that can, however, write like themselves. The fact is, you're no good when you're something you're not, but when you're yourself (no matter who you are), you're better than you thought was possible. All those corny things you heard when you were a kid ("Believe in Yourself", "If You Put Your Mind To It, You Can Do Anything") were said by people who followed that advice. They weren't just made up. And they work for everybody. EVERYBODY.
So, if you wish you could write, do it because you can. Just know that it's hard for everybody. Those who make it look easy have accepted the difficulty and have committed to write anyway. If it wasn't hard, there wouldn't be any good writers. Difficulty is what good writers are made of.